Events at HØJHUSET

It is in our name, Højhuset Kulturhotel (the high-rise building cultural hotel), that we support culture. Whether we are a cultural centre with a hotel or a hotel with a cultural centre is an individual assessment. Still, regardless of the purpose of your visit, the cultural program is present, versatile and accessible to everyone.

In the event calendar, you can find everything from opera festivals to sing-alongs, communal dinners and talks. When we run communal dinners, you will typically be able to extend your evening with a cultural activity before or after dinner.

Påske-ophold i Højhuset

Hvorfor kun spise, når man også kan sove i Højhuset?

860 kr


Nyd en 3-retters påskemenu

395 kr


Bare fordi man kun fylder 2 år, kan man jo godt fejre sin dag med både jazz og kold hvidvin

140 kr